COVID-19: Natio­nal Busi­ness Respon­se Net­work laun­ched to bring busi­ness sup­port to local needs

As the impact of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic on towns and cities across the UK inten­si­fies, the need to link busi­ness sup­port to com­mu­ni­ty need in the right place, at the right time and at the right sca­le has never been more urgent.

Busi­ness in the Com­mu­ni­ty – The Prince’s Respon­si­ble Busi­ness Net­work with more than 750 com­pa­nies in mem­bership – has laun­ched the Natio­nal Busi­ness Respon­se Net­work to iden­ti­fy com­mu­ni­ty needs across the UK and match them to the right busi­ness sup­port.

Through Busi­ness in the Community’s vast regio­nal and local con­nec­tions and lea­ders on the ground, the Natio­nal Busi­ness Respon­se Net­work iden­ti­fies natio­nal and local com­mu­ni­ty needs from com­mu­ni­ty groups, schools, local aut­ho­ri­ties, resi­li­en­ce bodies, cha­ri­ties and alli­an­ces such as the Bri­tish Red Cross Vol­un­ta­ry and Com­mu­ni­ty Sec­tor Emer­gen­ci­es Part­nership and small busi­nes­ses. The net­work then con­nec­ts busi­ness resour­ces to meet the fol­lo­wing needs:

  • Food: Ensu­ring peop­le have con­ti­nued access to food.
  • Tech­no­lo­gy: Sup­port to enab­le child­ren to con­ti­nue lear­ning, and older peop­le to stay con­nec­ted to fami­lies.
  • Soci­al care: Sup­port to vul­nera­ble groups and older peop­le to enab­le con­ti­nued access to food, health­ca­re, soci­al inter­ac­tion and other essen­ti­als.
  • Small busi­nes­ses: Crea­ting resour­ces with advice and prac­ti­cal tools spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for small busi­nes­ses; pro­vi­ding busi­ness con­ti­nui­ty and well­being sup­port through men­to­ring for small busi­nes­ses.

The busi­ness resour­ces we will be matching to com­mu­ni­ty needs are:

  • Pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port: Using the untap­ped resour­ces and good­will of our mem­ber com­pa­nies to pro­vi­de human resour­ce to sup­port com­mu­nities in the UK.
  • Lending/donating resour­ces: Len­ding or dona­ting resour­ces to orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and peop­le to meet need.
  • Logistics: Trans­por­ta­ti­on of peop­le, goods and ser­vices.

Com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in need of help can log their requests by cal­ling our 24-hour hot­line (01412 853821), emai­ling or pos­ting on our online board of needs and offers:

We are urging all com­pa­nies that want to offer sup­port to get in touch with us to find out whe­re their help is most nee­ded. They can find out more by emai­ling

Wei­te­res zum The­ma

Con­nec­ting busi­ness sup­port to com­mu­ni­ty need in the COVID-19 cri­sis: