Gene­ra­li invol­ves over 30 thousand peop­le with The Human Safe­ty Net’s pro­grams

The Human Safe­ty Net, Generali’s glo­bal initia­ti­ve for unlo­cking the poten­ti­al of peop­le living in vul­nera­ble con­texts, has published a first activi­ty report, sharing its two-year jour­ney of gro­wing Generali’s soci­al impact in the com­mu­nities whe­re the Group is pre­sent in Euro­pe, Asia and Latin Ame­ri­ca.

Two years after its launch, The Human Safe­ty Net is active in 21 coun­tries around the world and run­ning three evi­dence-based pro­grams to sup­port fami­lies with young child­ren and inte­gra­te refu­gees through work. After a rigo­rous selec­tion pro­cess, The Human Safe­ty Net has part­ne­red with 46 lea­ding NGOs and soci­al enter­pri­ses, acting tog­e­ther like a net to ampli­fy the impact that each orga­ni­za­ti­on might have on its own. Until the end of 2019, it has sup­por­ted more than 30,000 peop­le, reaching about 20,000 child­ren ages 0–6 years and 10,000 par­ents, and trai­ning almost 700 refu­gees who crea­ted more than 100 start-ups.

The Human Safe­ty Net brings tog­e­ther the strengths of non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­ti­ons and the pri­va­te sec­tor. The initia­ti­ve is desi­gned for soci­al impact through a sha­red metho­do­lo­gy for imple­men­ting pro­grams and a com­mon frame­work for mea­su­ring results. As part of the Group’s broa­der sustai­na­bi­li­ty stra­te­gy objec­tives, Gene­ra­li aims to increa­se the impact of this move­ment of peop­le hel­ping peop­le by mobi­li­zing the skills and resour­ces of the company’s employees, agents, dis­tri­bu­ti­on net­works, and cli­ents. In 2019, Gene­ra­li employees and agents dedi­ca­ted 20,000 hours of vol­un­tee­ring with The Human Safe­ty Net.

To main­tain clo­se con­tact with more vul­nera­ble fami­lies and refu­gee entre­pre­neurs, and to ensu­re pro­gram con­ti­nui­ty during the Covid-19 emer­gen­cy, addi­tio­nal extra­or­di­na­ry initia­ti­ves worth more than € 1 mil­li­on have been laun­ched to sup­port imme­dia­te neces­si­ties (like healt­hy kits, masks, lap­top and tablets) as well as an invest­ment in digi­tal solu­ti­ons (like online plat­forms and apps). The lat­ter will allow NGO part­ners to sup­port fami­lies and refu­gees during and after the cri­sis, pro­vi­ding them with lear­ning oppor­tu­nities, main­tai­ning access to essen­ti­al ser­vices, and limi­t­ing the soci­al iso­la­ti­on of the most vul­nera­ble. In this way, The Human Safe­ty Net is hel­ping redu­ce the digi­tal gap in the non-pro­fit sec­tor.

The Chair­man of Assi­cu­ra­zio­ni Gene­ra­li, Gabrie­le Gala­te­ri di Geno­la, and the Group CEO, Phil­ip­pe Don­net, exp­lai­ned, “The Human Safe­ty Net is part of our active com­mit­ment to socie­ty. It addres­ses some of the gre­at soci­al chal­len­ges of our time and is one of Generali’s key con­tri­bu­ti­ons to achie­ving the Sustainab­le Deve­lop­ment Goals. The Covid-19 pan­de­mic has high­light­ed ine­qua­li­ties and has made lar­ge sec­tions of the popu­la­ti­on more vul­nera­ble. In this peri­od, more than ever befo­re, The Human Safe­ty Net pro­jec­ts have beco­me important in unlo­cking the human poten­ti­al of the weakest parts of our huma­ni­ty and in streng­t­he­ning the com­mu­nities in which the Group ope­ra­tes. Along­si­de the­se activi­ties of The Human Safe­ty Net are other Gene­ra­li initia­ti­ves to deal with the Covid-19 emer­gen­cy, as the Extra­or­di­na­ry Inter­na­tio­nal Fund laun­ched in March”.

The initia­ti­ve is dri­ven by Fon­da­zio­ne Gene­ra­li The Human Safe­ty Net Onlus, estab­lished in 2017 to sup­port the Group’s busi­ness units in coor­di­na­ting pro­grams and activi­ties in the coun­tries whe­re The Human Safe­ty Net is active. In 2019, the con­tri­bu­ti­on to The Human Safe­ty Net by Fon­da­zio­ne Gene­ra­li and Gene­ra­li busi­ness units was € 6.3 mil­li­on.

Wei­te­res zum The­ma

The Activi­ty Report 2019 is avail­ab­le on the web­site of The Human Safe­ty Net