Pfi­zer and The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on Dona­te $40 Mil­li­on in Cha­ri­ta­ble Grants, Expand Pro­duct Access and Mobi­li­ze Col­leagues to Com­bat COVID-19 Pan­de­mic

Pfi­zer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on announ­ced the com­mit­ment of $40 mil­li­on in medi­cal and cha­ri­ta­ble cash grants to help com­bat the glo­bal health effec­ts of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic in the U.S. and around the world.

The dona­ti­on addres­ses the urgent needs of part­ners who are working to slow the spread of the virus wit­hin com­mu­nities and streng­t­hen vul­nera­ble health­ca­re sys­tems against future public health thre­ats. Pfi­zer is also respon­ding to pati­ent and health­ca­re pro­vi­der needs during this unpre­ce­den­ted time by evol­ving its U.S. Pati­ent Assi­s­tan­ce Pro­gram and dona­ting addi­tio­nal cri­ti­cal medi­ci­nes and vac­ci­nes in the U.S. and around the world.

“We are in the midst of a glo­bal health cri­sis and under­stand the need for imme­dia­te and signi­fi­cant phil­an­thro­pic and pri­va­te sec­tor con­tri­bu­ti­ons to help sustain local and glo­bal part­ners on the front lines of the pan­de­mic respon­se, with the goal of saving lives,” said Caro­li­ne Roan, Pre­si­dent, The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on and Vice Pre­si­dent, Glo­bal Health & Pati­ent Access, Pfi­zer Inc. “At Pfi­zer, we belie­ve it is our respon­si­bi­li­ty to help pro­tect the most vul­nera­ble from this disea­se and are put­ting the full weight of our resour­ces behind our com­pre­hen­si­ve COVID-19 respon­se.”

The com­bi­ned dona­ti­on inclu­des medi­cal and cha­ri­ta­ble grants from Pfi­zer Inc. and The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on to sup­port both domestic and glo­bal respon­ses.

U.S. Grant Respon­se Efforts
In sta­tes across the coun­try with high COVID-19 disea­se bur­den, emer­gen­cy reli­ef funds will be pro­vi­ded to government public health orga­ni­za­ti­ons to help address local COVID-19 health needs, as well as non-pro­fit com­mu­ni­ty health orga­ni­za­ti­ons. Grant fun­ding will also be pro­vi­ded to cha­ri­ta­ble com­mu­ni­ty health cli­nics for imme­dia­te and lon­ger-term needs of front­li­ne health­ca­re workers addres­sing infec­tious disea­se prio­ri­ties and the COVID-19 respon­se.

Glo­bal Grant Respon­se Efforts
Out­si­de the U.S., grant fun­ding will be pro­vi­ded to inter­na­tio­nal non-governmen­tal orga­ni­za­ti­ons (INGOs) and part­ners that sup­port direct COVID-19 reli­ef and lon­ger-term health sys­tems streng­t­he­ning. Over the last several weeks, more than $1 mil­li­on in grant fun­ding has been pro­vi­ded to estab­lished part­ners, inclu­ding Direct Reli­ef, Pro­ject HOPE and Inter­na­tio­nal Medi­cal Corps, to sup­port the pro­vi­si­on of urgent­ly nee­ded sup­plies to front­li­ne health­ca­re workers and to aid in glo­bal reco­very efforts.

Through its Glo­bal Medi­cal Grants pro­gram, Pfi­zer will pro­vi­de $5 mil­li­on in fun­ding to sup­port meri­to­rious edu­ca­tio­nal and rese­arch pro­po­sals that seek to impro­ve the reco­gni­ti­on, dia­gno­sis, tre­at­ment and over­all manage­ment of pati­ents with COVID-19. Qua­li­ty Impro­ve­ment grant fun­ding will be avail­ab­le for medi­cal cen­ters, hos­pi­tals and cli­nics to impro­ve the manage­ment and out­co­me of pati­ents with COVID-19.

The majo­ri­ty of the dona­ti­ons will be dis­tri­bu­t­ed to part­ners wit­hin the next four to six weeks based on a pre­vious eva­lua­ti­on of respon­se prio­ri­ty needs and part­ner resour­ce capa­bi­li­ties and gaps. Pfi­zer, The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on and its part­ners will moni­tor and assess the evol­ving natu­re of the pan­de­mic and the impact of the­se grants. The­se dona­ti­ons build on Pfizer’s long­stan­ding com­mit­ments in the U.S. and around the world to fight infec­tious disea­se, streng­t­hen health­ca­re sys­tems and redu­ce health dis­pa­ri­ties for pati­ents in need, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in under­ser­ved com­mu­nities.

U.S. Pati­ent Assi­s­tan­ce and Glo­bal Pro­duct Dona­ti­ons
To help address the evol­ving needs of pati­ents and pro­vi­de unin­ter­rup­ted access to their medi­ci­nes, Pfi­zer has also quick­ly adap­ted ele­ments of its U.S. Pati­ent Assi­s­tan­ce Pro­gram to accom­mo­da­te the chal­len­ges eli­gi­ble pati­ents are facing by increa­sing medi­ca­ti­on sup­ply during the qua­ran­ti­ne, upon request, and whe­re pos­si­ble, accep­t­ing telehe­alth pre­scrip­ti­ons, among other efforts. Pfi­zer has also part­ne­red with governments, INGOs and U.S. non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­ti­ons to dona­te and dis­tri­bu­te essen­ti­al medi­ca­ti­ons and vac­ci­nes.

Pfi­zer Col­league Enga­ge­ment and Matching Gifts
As pre­vious­ly announ­ced, Pfi­zer has crea­ted a new Glo­bal COVID-19 Medi­cal Ser­vice Pro­gram that empowers medi­cal col­leagues to pro­vi­de dia­gnostic, tre­at­ment and public health sup­port in the batt­le against COVID-19. Licen­sed medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals who feel duty-bound to pro­vi­de their ser­vices during this cri­sis will now have a way to enga­ge in the fight. Col­leagues will con­ti­nue to recei­ve their full pay, bene­fits and be able to return to their posi­ti­on upon com­ple­ti­on of ser­vice.

In addi­ti­on, many of Pfizer’s appro­xi­mate­ly 90,000 col­leagues are dona­ting their time and skills through vir­tu­al and other safe vol­un­teer activi­ties to help address urgent COVID-19 rela­ted health needs at the com­mu­ni­ty level, and The Pfi­zer Foun­da­ti­on is matching col­league dona­ti­ons to local, natio­nal and glo­bal cha­ri­ta­ble orga­ni­za­ti­ons.

Pfi­zer is a mem­ber of the UPJ-Net­work.

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