Tele­fó­ni­ca Digi­tal Deal: build back bet­ter our socie­ties and eco­no­mies

Tele­fó­ni­ca is tack­ling the chal­len­ges posed by the COVID-19 cri­sis as an oppor­tu­ni­ty in which the les­sons lear­ned should inspi­re to build a bet­ter future. Now more than ever a deal to mana­ge the digi­tal tran­si­ti­on by put­ting peop­le at the cent­re is nee­ded.

COVID-19 has cau­sed the grea­test eco­no­mic and soci­al cri­sis sin­ce the end of World War II. We are living through an excep­tio­nal moment that has tested the resi­li­en­ce of our socie­ties and our eco­no­mies. The essen­ti­al role of digi­tal infra­st­ruc­tures and ser­vices for our socie­ties has been demons­tra­ted, avoi­ding even grea­ter para­ly­sis of our eco­no­mies in the­se excep­tio­nal times. Tech­no­lo­gy has saved and con­ti­nues to save human lives around the world.

Tele­fó­ni­ca pro­po­ses a Digi­tal Deal to build back bet­ter our socie­ties and eco­no­mies and is asking to defi­ne new rules, based on values, which we will have to wri­te tog­e­ther.

Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on has a cru­ci­al role to play in eco­no­mic reco­very and in achie­ving a more inclu­si­ve and sustainab­le socie­ty. Telefónica’s Digi­tal Deal is thus based on three fun­da­men­tal aspec­ts: , the envi­ron­men­tal y the eco­no­mic.